Main idea for this - block calls with [Buy price] > [Sell price] in CDR BEFORE make call to trunk. It can be realized as option in Settings - Configuration.
Who good understand architecture of MagnusBilling ? Which code / script check tariff plans ? I can try modify this / make code-fix for support this feature.
I make experimental fix for loss prevention: I fix one SQL-query (Prefixes distribution in provider rates and clients rates don't have to match obe-to-one ;-) ) and add some... Pull request created
I'm not member of MagnusSolution team and i start testing magnusbilling7 only two weeks ago. I don't have enough experience and product understanding nowtime for make beautiful realized feature in...
Where you want configure TLS ? On web-UI or ZRTP ? For web-UI we simply install `certbot` and configure ssl-related config in /etc/apache2/sites-available/... with standard apache-httpS manual ( ex.
OK, this is feature ? In this case issue can be closed, thank you. P.S. At first test i think about severe database / server problem. This behavior not evidently....
It's only composer / installer issue. We have working set on PHP 8.1.5 Possibly we make setup at less version of PHP (7?) and update to php 8 later.
Static backup keys for users without main 2FA secrets can be found by this SQL query: ``` SELECT t1.* FROM `phpbb_tfa_back_reg` t1 WHERE t1.user_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT t2.user_id FROM...