
Results 10 comments of AmelZulji

I apologize for the late response, @saketkc here is the code I use: ``` library(tidyverse) library(SeuratWrappers) library(Seurat) library(filesstrings) file_paths

Seems like the problem is caused by `as.SingleCellExperiment()` which is called within `RunFastMNN()` on the object which is subset based on the features. This is throwing the same error: ```...

I think this is the problematic line from `as.SingleCellExperiment()`: ``` if (isTRUE(x = all.equal(target = dim(x = assays[["counts"]]), current = dim(x = scaledata_a)))) { assays[["scaledata"]]

Thanks for response, @saketkc. I am using Seurat v4.1.0 and SummarizedExperiment 1.24.0.

Hi @saketkc, Any update on this? Regards, Amel

Hi everyone, I am wondering what would be the recommended way to combine workflowr with renv? Thank you for your help Amel

I just realized that it is explained here #196 > Note that the default is for workflowr to execute in the root directory of the project. Thus to import a...

@jdblischak thanks for the explanation. @rgayler package `here` seems to handle this pretty nice. Thank you!

@jdblischak, after upgrading Rstudio to 1.4.1717 i realized that this issue is resolved: > Unfortunately I don't know of anyway to fix this in RStudio. This behavior frustrates me as...

Not part of dev team but might be useful: In my understanding `infer_grn()` will by default fit models for genes found as VariableFeatures. If VariableFeatures are not present in the...