Vasiliy Alekseev
Vasiliy Alekseev
 :cry: `np.ravel(ind > 0)` :smile: `np.ravel(ind != 0)` P.S. `0.000000001 != 0` -> Ok?
```python import topicnet dataset = topicnet.cooking_machine.Dataset(...) model = topicnet.cooking_machine.models.TopicModel(...) cube = CubeCreator( num_iter=10, parameters={ "seed": [11221963], "num_topics": [5, 10] } ) exp = Experiment( model, experiment_id='exp1', save_path='should_not_be_created', save_experiment=False ) cube(model,...
Currently multiprocessing may lead to the fact that tests fail from time to time. It means that builds may be red even there is all OK with the code. The...
* Create a `dataset` * Call `dataset.get_dictionary()` * Change dataset's `_data` by renaming one of modalities (eg. *lemmatized* -> *new_lemmatized*) * Try to build a topic model using the `dataset`...
The method is too slow! Do we really need `dask.dataframe`? Maybe better to store documents on disk as single files (and not as one big .csv)? References: * How one...
 Seems more natural for a model to fit on Dataset. Maybe better to use `Union[artm.BatchVectorizer, topicnet.cooking_machine.Dataset]` instead of just `artm.BatchVectorizer` (Union — for compatibility)?
How/To whom to ask a question? Maybe add info about the channel of the library in Slack?
* what is it for? * what parameters one can/is encouraged to vary using this cube (eg. number of topics maybe better to find using [OptimalNumberOfTopics]( repository :slightly_smiling_face:)? * how...
Worth to note that relative weights are cool and library provides simple ways to use it. * More intuitive way to choose modality weights (not just some random values virtually...
Currently CubeCreator supports only absolute weights (am I right :slightly_smiling_face: ?). Seems that relative weights are more useful (plus taking into account that `init_simple_default_model` requires relative weights as input). +...