
Results 159 comments of [Alt'tiRi]

Also it's possible to replace `https://i.pximg.net/c/1920x960_80_a2_g5/background/img/...` with `https://i.pximg.net/background/img/...` to get the original image. _(removing of `/c/1920x960_80_a2_g5`)_ BTW, is there a support of banners for naming (Is it possible to add...

API: https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/user/42083333 https://www.pixiv.net/ajax/user/42083333?full=1&lang=en `body.background.url` (1920x960, 257 KB): https://i.pximg.net/c/1920x960_80_a2_g5/background/img/2022/02/22/17/50/48/42083333_a96f0c7e94df3824568249734d7933a5.jpg Original (requires `referer` header), (3840x2160, 7.42 MB): https://i.pximg.net/background/img/2022/02/22/17/50/48/42083333_a96f0c7e94df3824568249734d7933a5.jpg

> (requires `referer` header) It requires the existence of Referer HTTP request's header with Pixiv's origin value.

Edit any visible image HTML element `` on the site with DevTools by replacing the original `src` attribute value by any other image URL. The browser will load the new...

Okay, a UserScript _(updated on 2022.12.21)_: < Code (click to expand) > ```js // ==UserScript== // @name Pixiv BG Download Script // @namespace Pixiv // @version 0.0.6-2022.12.21 // @match https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/*...

>i dont see any download button on the page It's not in the page. > GM_registerMenuCommand ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16310547/164038561-48b3f5dd-57cd-440c-ad3c-45be94629e3b.png)

Found the typo. Fixed. Should work now. _(It worked for me because of the existence of another my script.)_ --- It works for me. Tested in Firefox with Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey...

Well, I have fixed multiple bugs (3 total, the last two bugs were Firefox only), maybe you just tried to use an intermediate version, or cached one. If it still...

By the way, in some kind you are right. I tested it in 3 different browsers _(I even checked the work with the different adblock extensions.)_, but it worked for...

https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/commit/84756982e9d96d33ee1f7239512ac2cf4f8a6d2e looks good, however, I don't think that these are proper: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/84756982e9d96d33ee1f7239512ac2cf4f8a6d2e/gallery_dl/extractor/pixiv.py#L222 https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/84756982e9d96d33ee1f7239512ac2cf4f8a6d2e/gallery_dl/extractor/pixiv.py#L242 Avatar and BG can be changed time by time, but this `archive_fmt` is not suited for this...