
Results 159 comments of [Alt'tiRi]

Eh, wait. It's still Qt 5.15.2. I thought you have updated it to Qt 6 some months ago.

I still believe that Qt 6 may help. _BTW, https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-6.2-lts-released_

Another example that Qt works fine with long paths: ```c++ #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); qDebug()

BTW, in Node.js there is [`fs.realpath`](https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fspromisesrealpathpath-options). _(Note: it's **`fs`**, not `path` module.)_ Possibly there is such function in Qt/C++. ```js const dir = "C:\\#LONGP~1\\_DIREC~1\\LOREMI~1.UTE"; const filepath = dir + "\\"...

I have tested it again. Finally. I think it can be fixed easily. How? Use https://github.com/gulrak/filesystem instead of the default ``. --- **Here is the my test repo**: https://gist.github.com/AlttiRi/f2781c1d60ec482f3c50c26703072b45 (Only...

To convert 8.3 names to long filenames just use [`GetLongPathNameA`](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-getlongpathnamea). Here is my code (verify it): ```c++ #include "fileapi.h" QString longFilePathA(QString filepath, DWORD cchBuffer = 512) { // Don't use:...

So, both problems are solvable. 1. Use [`ghc::filesystem`](https://github.com/gulrak/filesystem) with support of long paths. (Or why not just use `QDir` and etc? _Is it really worth to use `filesystem`'s functions instead...

It looks `GetLongPathNameA` does not works with non-ASCII chars. So either use it _only_ with short names (it's the most optimal way — it's that for it intended), or use...

> Set sorting to "date" on large directories and you'll see. BTW, the sorting by date currently works with bugs if the images are created within a short time. https://github.com/easymodo/qimgv/issues/362

Here is it, `GetLongPathNameW` (with Unicode support): ```c++ QString longFilePathW(QString filepath, DWORD cchBuffer = 512) { LPCWSTR lpszShortPath = (LPCWSTR) filepath.utf16(); LPWSTR lpszLongPath = new WCHAR[cchBuffer]; DWORD length = GetLongPathNameW(lpszShortPath,...