gallery-dl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gallery-dl copied to clipboard

Pixiv User Background Banner

Open afterdelight opened this issue 2 years ago ‱ 41 comments

Please add an option to include download pixiv user background banner. ty

afterdelight avatar Apr 13 '22 08:04 afterdelight

Also it's possible to replace with to get the original image.

(removing of /c/1920x960_80_a2_g5)

BTW, is there a support of banners for naming (Is it possible to add a special rule for it? Since it will not have title, num, id.) and for the download archive? (I would not like to download the same banner each time.)

AlttiRi avatar Apr 16 '22 20:04 AlttiRi

yeah something like would be good

afterdelight avatar Apr 17 '22 05:04 afterdelight


body.background.url (1920x960, 257 KB):

Original (requires referer header), (3840x2160, 7.42 MB):

AlttiRi avatar Apr 17 '22 15:04 AlttiRi

its 403 forbidden

afterdelight avatar Apr 18 '22 10:04 afterdelight

(requires referer header)

It requires the existence of Referer HTTP request's header with Pixiv's origin value.

AlttiRi avatar Apr 18 '22 10:04 AlttiRi

how to call it

afterdelight avatar Apr 18 '22 11:04 afterdelight

Edit any visible image HTML element <img src=""> on the site with DevTools by replacing the original src attribute value by any other image URL. The browser will load the new image with the site origin as the Referer header value.


AlttiRi avatar Apr 18 '22 15:04 AlttiRi

i dont get it

afterdelight avatar Apr 18 '22 23:04 afterdelight

Okay, a UserScript (updated on 2022.12.21):

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Pixiv BG Download Script
// @namespace   Pixiv
// @version     0.0.6-2022.12.21
// @match*
// @match*
// @description Pixiv BG Download Button
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect
// @noframes
// @author      [Alt'tiRi]
// @supportURL
// ==/UserScript==

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Init
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

const globalFetch = ujs_getGlobalFetch();
const fetch = GM_fetch;

if (globalThis.GM_registerMenuCommand /* undefined in Firefox with VM */ || typeof GM_registerMenuCommand === "function") {
    GM_registerMenuCommand("Download BG", downloadBg);

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main code
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function downloadBg() {
    const userId = parseUserId();
    void downloadBgWithApi(userId);

function parseUserId(url = location.href) {
    const _url = new URL(url);
    const id = _url.pathname.match(/(?<=users\/)\d+/)[0];
    return id;

async function downloadBgWithApi(userId) {
    const titleText = document.title;
    try {
        document.title = "đŸ’€" + titleText;
        const resp = await globalFetch("" + userId);
        const json = await resp.json();

        if (!json?.body?.background?.url) {
            document.title = "⬜" + titleText;
            console.log("[ujs] no bg");
            await sleep(1000);            

        const {name: userName, background} = json.body;
        const url = background.url.replace("/c/1920x960_80_a2_g5", "");

        document.title = "⏳" + titleText;
        const {blob, lastModifiedDate, filename} = await fetchResource(url, {headers: {"referer": location.href}});
        const filenamePrefix = userId + "_";
        const _filename = filename.startsWith(filenamePrefix) ? filename.slice(filenamePrefix.length) : filename;
        const name = `[pixiv][bg] ${userId}—${userName}—${lastModifiedDate}—${_filename}`;
        download(blob, name, url);
        document.title = "✅" + titleText;
        await sleep(5000);
    } catch (e) {
        document.title = "❌" + titleText;
        await sleep(5000);        
    } finally {
        document.title = titleText;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GM Util
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function ujs_getGlobalFetch({verbose, strictTrackingProtectionFix} = {}) {
    const useFirefoxStrictTrackingProtectionFix = strictTrackingProtectionFix === undefined ? true : strictTrackingProtectionFix; // Let's use by default
    const useFirefoxFix = useFirefoxStrictTrackingProtectionFix && typeof wrappedJSObject === "object" && typeof wrappedJSObject.fetch === "function";
    // --- [VM/GM + Firefox ~90+ + Enabled "Strict Tracking Protection"] fix --- //
    function fixedFirefoxFetch(resource, init = {}) {
        verbose && console.log("wrappedJSObject.fetch", resource, init);
        if (init.headers instanceof Headers) {
            // Since `Headers` are not allowed for structured cloning.
            init.headers = Object.fromEntries(init.headers.entries());
        return wrappedJSObject.fetch(cloneInto(resource, document), cloneInto(init, document));
    return useFirefoxFix ? fixedFirefoxFetch : globalThis.fetch;

// The simplified `fetch` — wrapper for `GM_xmlhttpRequest`
/* Using:
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest

const response = await fetch(url);
const {status, statusText} = response;
const lastModified = response.headers.get("last-modified");
const blob = await response.blob();
async function GM_fetch(url, init = {}) {
    const defaultInit = {method: "get"};
    const {headers, method} = {...defaultInit, ...init};

    return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
        const blobPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                responseType: "blob",
                onload: (response) => resolve(response.response),
                onerror: reject,
                onreadystatechange: onHeadersReceived
        function onHeadersReceived(response) {
            const {
                readyState, responseHeaders, status, statusText
            } = response;
            if (readyState === 2) { // HEADERS_RECEIVED
                const headers = parseHeaders(responseHeaders);
                    arrayBuffer: () => blobPromise.then(blob => blob.arrayBuffer()),
                    blob: () => blobPromise,
                    json: () => blobPromise.then(blob => blob.text()).then(text => JSON.parse(text)),
                    text: () => blobPromise.then(blob => blob.text()),
function parseHeaders(headersString) {
    class Headers {
        get(key) {
            return this[key.toLowerCase()];
    const headers = new Headers();
    for (const line of headersString.trim().split("\n")) {
        const [key, ...valueParts] = line.split(":"); // last-modified: Fri, 21 May 2021 14:46:56 GMT
        headers[key.trim().toLowerCase()] = valueParts.join(":").trim();
    return headers;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Util
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function sleep(time) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time));

// Using:
// const {blob, lastModifiedDate, contentType, filename, name, extension, status} = await fetchResource(url);
async function fetchResource(url, init = {}) {
    const response = await fetch(url, {
        cache: "force-cache",
    const {status} = response;
    const lastModifiedDateSeconds = response.headers.get("last-modified");
    const contentType = response.headers.get("content-type");

    const lastModifiedDate = dateToDayDateString(lastModifiedDateSeconds);
    const extension = extensionFromMime(contentType);
    const blob = await response.blob();

    const _url = new URL(url);
    const {filename} = (_url.origin + _url.pathname).match(/(?<filename>[^\/]+$)/).groups;
    const {name} = filename.match(/(?<name>^[^\.]+)/).groups;

    return {blob, lastModifiedDate, contentType, filename, name, extension, status};

// "Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:22:22 GMT" -> "2021.01.10"
function dateToDayDateString(dateValue, utc = true) {
    const _date = new Date(dateValue);
    if (_date.toString() === "Invalid Date") {
        throw "Invalid Date";
    function pad(str) {
        return str.toString().padStart(2, "0");
    const _utc = utc ? "UTC" : "";
    const year  = _date[`get${_utc}FullYear`]();
    const month = _date[`get${_utc}Month`]() + 1;
    const date  = _date[`get${_utc}Date`]();

    return year + "." + pad(month) + "." + pad(date);

function extensionFromMime(mimeType) {
    let extension = mimeType.match(/(?<=\/).+/)[0];
    extension = extension === "jpeg" ? "jpg" : extension;
    return extension;

function download(blob, name, url) {
    const anchor = document.createElement("a");
    anchor.setAttribute("download", name || "");
    const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    anchor.href = blobUrl + (url ? ("#" + url) : "");;
    setTimeout(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl), 5000);
} image

AlttiRi avatar Apr 19 '22 10:04 AlttiRi

where did u get that code?

afterdelight avatar Apr 19 '22 15:04 afterdelight

i dont see any download button on the page after installing the script

afterdelight avatar Apr 19 '22 15:04 afterdelight

i dont see any download button on the page

It's not in the page.



AlttiRi avatar Apr 19 '22 15:04 AlttiRi

i clicked the button but nothing happened tho

afterdelight avatar Apr 19 '22 16:04 afterdelight

Found the typo. Fixed. Should work now.

(It worked for me because of the existence of another my script.)

It works for me. Tested in Firefox with Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey and in Chrome.

AlttiRi avatar Apr 19 '22 17:04 AlttiRi

Still doesnt work. I use firefox.

afterdelight avatar Apr 19 '22 18:04 afterdelight

Well, I have fixed multiple bugs (3 total, the last two bugs were Firefox only), maybe you just tried to use an intermediate version, or cached one.

If it still does not work for you, I'm don't know the reason.

AlttiRi avatar Apr 19 '22 20:04 AlttiRi

Still doesnt work for me. maybe i was missing the other script you installed

afterdelight avatar Apr 20 '22 04:04 afterdelight

By the way, in some kind you are right. I tested it in 3 different browsers (I even checked the work with the different adblock extensions.), but it worked for me because of I have installed PixivToolkit extension in them. It modifies all requests on Pixiv site (it adds Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header), not only the requests made from the extension. That side effect was unexpected.

Okay, finally fixed.

AlttiRi avatar Apr 20 '22 11:04 AlttiRi

finally it works! now we need somebody who can implement it to gellary-dl

afterdelight avatar Apr 21 '22 06:04 afterdelight


afterdelight avatar Apr 21 '22 19:04 afterdelight looks good, however, I don't think that these are proper:

Avatar and BG can be changed time by time, but this archive_fmt is not suited for this case.

It should additionally use a value from the URL:

  • either date — 2022/02/22/17/50/48,
  • or the hash from filename a96f0c7e94df3824568249734d7933a5 (42083333_a96f0c7e94df3824568249734d7933a5.jpg).

to download new versions of bg/ava.

BTW, the question: How to specify the special filename pattern for bg/ava? Currently I get the error:

[pixiv][error] FilenameFormatError: Applying filename format string failed (TypeError: unsupported format string passed to NoneType.__format__)

I would like to create a filename like here

  • [pixiv][bg] 42083333—トックăƒȘブンブク—2022.02.22—a96f0c7e94df3824568249734d7933a5.jpg

With using date and "hash" from the filename (For example, filename[id.length + 1: filename.length] will not work in the config).

AlttiRi avatar May 02 '22 22:05 AlttiRi

I think [bg] filename_hash.jpg would be sufficient. you could add date too so it be like [bg] [date] filename_hash.jpg sorry i dont know how to solve that error.

afterdelight avatar May 02 '22 22:05 afterdelight

Avatar and BG can be changed time by time, but this archive_fmt is not suited for this case.

I did not consider that it can change over time. Should be fixed in

How to specify the special filename pattern for bg/ava?

By putting options for them in an avatar / background block inside your pixiv settings, like with any other "subcategory":

    "avatar"    : {
        "directory": ["{category}", "{user[id]}"],
        "filename" : "..."
    "background": {
        "directory": ["{category}", "{user[id]}"],
        "filename" : "..."

Currently I get the error:

Because the date field for avatars/bgs was always None and applying a datetime format to that results in an error. With, date now usually has a valid value, but there are still instances where date is None (default avatars and bgs). You can use the ? operator like here to ignore this field in that case.

mikf avatar May 04 '22 16:05 mikf

@mikf with "directory": ["{category}", "{user[id]}"] setting. will they both create avatar and background subfolders? sorry im new in this

afterdelight avatar May 04 '22 17:05 afterdelight

Look working, one minor thing I still want is "hash" from filename. It's only:

filename_hash = filename.split("_")[1]

It's not important value, but I would prefer to save this just in case.

Currently "filename": "[{category}][bg] {user[id]}—{user[name]}—{date:?//%Y.%m.%d}—{filename}.{extension}" has duplicate {user[id]} in {filename}.

with "directory": ["{category}", "{user[id]}"] setting.

{category} is in any case will be pixiv string.

For subfolders: "directory": ["{category}", "{user[id]}", "{subcategory}"]

BTW, "include" is the order dependent:

  • "include": ["artworks", "background", "avatar"] is not the same as
  • "include": ["background", "artworks", "avatar"]

AlttiRi avatar May 04 '22 17:05 AlttiRi

one minor thing I still want is "hash" from filename.

Since hash if it exists is always 32 characters long, you can get it by slicing the last few chars from a filename: {filename[-32:]}

BTW, "include" is the order dependent:

That's by design. All other include options for other sites behave the same way.

mikf avatar May 04 '22 17:05 mikf

Probably the last issue is how to prevent running "metadata" postprocessor for "background", "avatar"?

Limit it only by "artworks" subcategory. has no mention about subcategory in "Postprocessor Options" section.

UPD: I just can put the "postprocessors" in "artworks" subcategory like in the example above for filenames.

"pixiv": {
    "artworks": {
        "postprocessors": []

AlttiRi avatar May 04 '22 18:05 AlttiRi

i want to put specific tags folder in a R-18 folder. how to do that? if a post have a tag for example 'hand' i want to put it in pixiv/user id/non NSFW/hand pixiv/user id/r-18(NSFW)/hand

the rest of downloads if dont have specific tags i specify. it will go to NSFW or non NSFW folder could you please explain,ty

afterdelight avatar May 04 '22 18:05 afterdelight

@AlttiRi this concept is explained at the very top and applies for all/most options:

@afterdelight conditional directory and filenames:

"directory": {
    "'愳た歐' in tags": ["{category}", "{user[id]}", "{rating}", "girl"],
    "'è¶łæŒ‡' in tags"  : ["{category}", "{user[id]}", "{rating}", "toes"],
    ""               : ["{category}", "{user[id]}", "{rating}"]

tags by default are Japanese only on Pixiv.

mikf avatar May 04 '22 20:05 mikf

so i cant write the tags in english? whats that rating for? to seperate r18 and non r18?

afterdelight avatar May 04 '22 22:05 afterdelight