
Results 10 comments of AlphaAtlas

VapourSynth has quite a few advantages over Gigapixel. For example, if your footage is really blocky or noisy, you can process out the artifacts with regular filters before upscaling it,...

Sorry for the late response. The first error means the silent, background CUDA installer failed for some reason. Trimming down the CUDA module list is something I need to do,...

If it's possible to keep and reasonable to maintain, I'd vote for embedded python. Python environments can get messy in a hurry, hence platforms like Conda have sprung up just...

![Capture]( ``` Invoke-WebRequest : Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream. At C:\Code\Python\Fatpack\vapoursynth-portable-FATPACK\build.ps1:38 char:9 + Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $file + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified:...

Last I checked Intel MKL is a CPU only library. It will not use the IGP. Also, AFAIK the "BLAS" part is only used for prompt processing. The actual text...

> wave **TL;DR: CLBlast might not be faster.** If there is a way to increase prompt evaluation on this system, I'd be _highly_ interested. > > I got a similar...

> I'm mostly wondering is: A) Is it physically impossible to increase the speed by using the GPU or... B) this just a software issue, because the current libraries...

What does `clinfo` say?

Ah, yeah, you need an opencl driver @intulint