
Results 27 issues of Alexey

@sanghoon Hi, Does this mean that this version of PVANet-code will execute with significantly lower the number of FPS on detection, than in the article? > Desclaimer > > Please...

@hunglc007 Hi, Why do you get only `61.96%` AP50 for YOLOv4-512x512 instead of `64.9%` AP50 that I can get by using Darknet? Did you use for evaluation...

When tested in an identical environment on a nVidia T4 GPU: 1. **YOLOv7** (51.2% AP, 12.6ms) is **1.5x times faster and +6.3% AP more accurate** than **YOLOv5s6** (44.9% AP, 18.7ms)...

Use Half-precision only for Compute Capability >= 7.0

@Tianxiaomo Hi, * Did you check accuracy of YOLOv4 by using your implementation, do you get the same 43.5% AP (65.7% AP50) for yolov4.cfg 608x608 on MS COCO testdev? *...


**Feature request**: Add HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation models to the **Pytorch-hub** This will be a step prior to adding HRNet to the common Pytorch models: The simplest way is to add ``...

Feature to can get video-stream from Network/Web-cam, subtrack background to find moving objects and create a dataset (jpg-images and txt-files with coordinates) for training Yolo.

want enhancement

@zylo117 Hi! Nice work! 1. Can you explain please, why do you get the result more slowly than in the official paper? 2. Does the official code not reproduce...

Hi @Jumabek As stated in your manual > 3. Download and install Python for Windows: * If I use Python **2.7.14** then using `` I can get good result:...

@maudzung Hi, Nice work! Did you compare speed and accuracy of Complex-YOLOv4-Pytorch vs other algorithms on Kitti dataset? Is it still better in accuracy and speed than other competitors? ----...