Alex Kiare Gaithuma

Results 5 comments of Alex Kiare Gaithuma

Failed to create database UTAX and SINTAX but usearch created. my command: #!/bin/bash SILVA="/media/bioadmin/Think/MiseqDATA/SILVA_Database" # download the SILVA_132_SSURef_NR99 database and extract the V4 region mkdir $SILVA && cd $SILVA RELEASE=132...

usearch v9.2.64_i86linux32, 4.0Gb RAM (1040Gb total), 160 cores (C) Copyright 2013-16 Robert C. Edgar, all rights reserved. 00:00 37Mb 0.1% Reading 16S_SINTAX.extracted.fa 00:01 84Mb 21.5% Reading 16S_SINTAX.extracted.fa 00:02 174Mb...

Hi Howard, I also got the same error. > sessionInfo() R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363) Matrix products: default locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United...

this works: 1517 cat full_table_*.tsv | grep -v "#" | tr "\t" "," | cut -d ',' -f1-5 >.busco_names.txt 1591 cat $transpi_tsv | grep -v "#" | tr "\t" ","...

try adding the option: --withkegg in your command ./nextflow run --all --maxReadLen 143 --k 25,35,55,75,85 --reads '/media/server2/Data_2Gb/Melongena/Data/Trimmed/Trimmed/provaR673_HP/R673HP831val_R[1,2].fastq.gz' --outdir /media/server2/Data_2Gb/Melongena/TransPi_R673_HP8 -profile docker --skipQC