Alex Fletcher
Alex Fletcher
We should code up as many of the PerMedCoE community benchmarking simulations as possible in Chaste, and make sure that the code is running as quickly as it can (e.g....
This issue is a follow-up to the merge of Aydar's edge-related code into `develop` (see The task is to look into a new way to test `Edge` archiving through...
At present, we can get and set `CellVecData` items in each cell in a cell-based simulation. However, by default these items are not writing to VTK, unlike `CellData` items (see...
See, old tickets #2601 and #2762, and old wiki pages for inspiration; see also Boost program options and `CommandLineArguments`. See also work done by @twinkarma as part of a...
Will this be in Oxford or Nottingham? Will it be on 17th September? What shall we do in it?