Alejandro Cornejo

Results 11 issues of Alejandro Cornejo

**📝 Description** In this PR I am adding a proposal to a property accessor prototype discussed in **This is a work in progress**, currently is defined only for `doubles`...

Kratos Core

**Description** Dear @KratosMultiphysics/structural-mechanics and @KratosMultiphysics/constitutive-models I'm implementing all the code infraestructure in order to be able to simulate **thermo-mechanical calculations** with a solver that couples the `Structural` and the `ConvectionDiffusion`...


**📝 Description** Adding a new `VariableUtils `method: ~~~c++ template< class TType > void SetHistoricalVariableToPreviousInfo( const Variable< TType >& rVariable, NodesContainerType& rNodes, const int PreviousStep = 1) { KRATOS_TRY block_for_each(rNodes, [&](Node...

Kratos Core

**📝 Description** In this PR I am adding new capabilities to the Parallel Rule of Mixtures to be able to print several values (`DAMAGE`, `PLASTIC_DISSIPATION`, `PLASTIC_STRAIN_VECTOR` and `CAUCHY_STRESS_VECTOR`) at a...


Hi, When creating a case with Structural ptype and 2D Axisymmetric case, If we apply a line load it writes "SmallDisplacementAxisymLineLoadCondition2D2N" and it should be "AxisymLineLoadCondition2D2N", otherwise Kratos throws an...


Hi! Recently I've been generating cases with GiD for the ContactStructuralMechApp and, despite **I've checked that the normals are ok in the preprocess, in the postprocess the normals are backwards**.......

help wanted

**📝 Description** Continuation of Here adding a 3 noded timoshenko element derived from the 2 noded one. I have override just a few methods to avoid duplication.


**📝 Description** Basically adding a new option to plasticity, a secant tensor for its linearization. Some minor bugs regarding plasticity for 2d problems.

**📝 Description** In this PR I am adding a substepping version of the thermomechanical coupled solver. A coupled one-way thermo-mechanical solver in which the time step of the two solvers...


Adding one example of the coupled thermo-mechanical coupling between the ConvectionDiffusion and the StructuralMechanics apps.