We are also looking for this type of data. At this time we can't do better than what we described here : As soon as we get some new...
list of manufacturers : ibm, cisco, samsung, Intel, AMD, ARM, Acer, Toshiba, Mikrotik, Juniper, Fortinet, F5, Barracuda, Ruckus, Aruba, Ubiquiti, Allied telesys, Linksys, Netgear, Palo Alto, Western Digital, Qnap, Broadcom,...
keywords: Product Environmental footprint PEF Product Carbon footprint PCF kgCO2e kgCO2eq GHG Product Environmental Report Product Environmental Declaration LCA Life Cycle Assessment PAIA
At this time we have the following parts in the data model: - gwp_mainboard_ratio - gwp_daughterboard_ratio - gwp_psu_ratio - gwp_battery_ratio - gwp_hdd_ratio - gwp_ssd_ratio - gwp_opticaldrive_ratio - gwp_display_ratio - gwp_packaging_ratio...
I made the following changes to resolve this issue : - Change data model to match my suggestion above - Modify HPE parser (only one to parse manufacturing breakdown ratios)...
Last Apple reports don't mention screen size. I suggest only collecting screen_size when available in PER/PCF in inches. Do you have any other idea @ggael ?
Total impact (Scope 2 + Scope 3) evaluation involves too many assumptions (Screen size, power usage, lifetime, use location, type of transport...) to allow us to compare such high level...
I started an analysis based on PCR from Dell, Lenovo and HP. Lenovo data is very inconsistent and it is impossible to conclude anything from it except that scope 3...
I just added some informations about panel technology in the spreadsheet and can confirm it can't justify such a difference between pre 2022 PCRs and newest ones.
I analyzed PCF for Fujitsu displays from 2022 (available here and results are very close to the value of 16,4 kgCO2e/inch mentioned [here]( The common point between these data...