Did you do a clean after updating? I have problems like this sometimes when updating to a newer pod version. And doing a clean and run does normal resolve the...
I have the same problem, but i have my searchtextfield in an tableviewcell. Presumably something changed in the newer version. The problem manifests for me since i have to the...
I managed to partially resolve my issue. By calling the redrawSearchTableView function on scrollViewDidScroll. That still look kind of wonky but it is better than the tableView staying where it...
I hade a problem like this too. Not sure if it is the same but on my side it was caused by having the wrong typ for the textEdit in...
I have the same problem. It seems that it is not influenced by the version of DLRadioButton but by the iOS Version. With the same build in iOS 11, the...
Thanks for the help, I did it like this already.