
Results 20 issues of Abduoit

I want to use kinect v2 rgb stream in order to feed it to Yolo v2. I know that I have to convert the streaming images into `cv::mat` in OpenCV....

Hi, Thanks a lot for sharing, The observation and actions space are defined as gym Box objects, as seen here [self._action_space](https://github.com/kindredresearch/SenseAct/blob/4140ab9ef38c7855047202cc4431d4e4338c36a0/senseact/envs/ur/reacher_env.py#L250) and [self._observation_space](https://github.com/kindredresearch/SenseAct/blob/4140ab9ef38c7855047202cc4431d4e4338c36a0/senseact/envs/ur/reacher_env.py#L234). This moves the end-effector (during training) to...

I have two issues First, when I run yolo_mark.cmd file I get the following error abdulrahman@abdulrahman-ThinkPad-X230-Tablet:~/darknet/Yolo_mark/x64/Release$ ./yolo_mark.cmd Example how to start marking bouded boxes for training set Yolo v2 ./yolo_mark.cmd:...

I cloned find-object and I run the following codes properly by using webcam I detected the object and I published the detected object with (position, rotation, scale and shear) ```...

Hi Thanks for your effort, I used `visualize_cv.py` it works properly. But when I change the file `mask_rcnn_coco.h5` with my own `.h5` that I trained, it gives me the following...

I am getting this error when I run `visualize_cv.py` Any help please ?? ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "real_time.py", line 62, in import model as modellib ImportError: No...

Hi, How can I modify the demo.py file, so the input image would be different not only cat.jpg. For example, now If I want to test another image I have...

Hi I am getting the following error when I run the evaluation code, could you please help? This is on `Ubuntu 16.04`, the following is the environment info: - ```...

``` roslaunch ur5_gazebo ur5_cubes.launch ... logging to /home/abdulrahman/.ros/log/9cadfaee-b6c1-11e8-8d8a-e09d31097f54/roslaunch-abdu-19652.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is

how did u get the Indian plate number font? I am looking for the font for the north America ?