
Results 28 comments of Abdull

> Are you willing to sponsor the certificate? Maybe my donation can help a little towards this. :) I guess the following links are helpful to find a cheap or...

I tried to build this PR, but CMake aborts because of an incorrect hash for `libKeyFinder/v2.2.3.zip`: ``` $ cmake --build ./build --parallel `nproc` # ... -- [download 100% complete] --...

> @Abdull merge main to this branch locally. Thanks, with that I could make progress, but now I get a scoping issue during build: ``` $ git log -n 1...

I can confirm this problem with `fluidtypo3/vhs 6.1.2` when using [`LanguageMenuViewHelper.php`](https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/vhs/blob/6.1.2/Classes/ViewHelpers/Page/LanguageMenuViewHelper.php): ``` ``` A frontend request rendering this Fluid templates provokes the following WARNING in `typo3.log`: ``` Wed, 03 Aug...

> FWIW while I think there is some merit in this issue I don't think it's at all solvable in the context of interactive examples, which don't show all the...

I agree that the use of `ul` and `li` elements as suggested in the *Carousels Tutorial* is outdated, problematic - if not even wrong. The following *Carousels Tutorial* pages show...

Actually, validation on `keyup`, i.e., on each keypress is even better for my purposes, because it gives feedback as soon as something was typed. In order to have it work...

Syntax coloring configuration would be so awesome to have in your plugin. Right now, I have problems to read Typescript source. ![syntax-coloring](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/529862/44472052-a5312280-a62d-11e8-9f95-ff980beebd97.PNG)

[W3C provides recommendations on how to set up an accessible carousel according to WCAG and ARIA principles](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/#carousel). They also have a [basic example](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/carousel/carousel-1.html).

I fixed this in https://github.com/Abdull/tiny-slider/tree/gesis .