
Results 28 comments of Abdull

I fixed this in https://github.com/Abdull/tiny-slider/tree/gesis .

Can we reopen this issue? I'm on tmux 3.1c and cannot get [`main-pane-width`](https://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man1/tmux.1#main-pane-width) to work.

> CSS [unicode-range](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face/unicode-range) could be used to optimize download size. Absolutely, here's how Google Fonts splits glyph ranges up in separate small files: ``` /* cyrillic-ext */ @font-face { font-family:...

I think I figured it out (also notice in my setup I use `MiniCssExtractPlugin` to separate CSS assets out of JS assets). [`sass-loader` has problems with `url()`](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader#problems-with-url), therefore `resolve-url-loader` and...

Here is my solution to compare (possibly) differently-dimensioned images: first place each image on an empty canvas having the maximum width and height among both images. Then compare these identically...

(using `ip-address` version `8.1.0`) Quoting OP: > ``` > -> % cat test.mjs > import {} from "ip-address"; > > -> % node test.mjs > ... > ``` > ......

@Swiftb0y , thank you for *Reloop Ready* mapping! I am currently testing your latest mapping version, i.e. * https://github.com/Swiftb0y/mixxx/blob/c2c475d4e89ae4e6637bce71fb22a9aa642a715e/res/controllers/Reloop%20Ready.midi.xml * https://github.com/Swiftb0y/mixxx/blob/c2c475d4e89ae4e6637bce71fb22a9aa642a715e/res/controllers/Reloop-Ready-scripts.js , against mixxx `2.4-beta-394-gd1c0de51b0`. I noticed the tempo sliders...

> Hey there @Abdull. I'm afraid I can't do much about the scratch behavior issue (its universal to mixxx and related to the way we handle scratching internally which I'm...

> Hi @Abdull, I have made some bigger changes to this mapping. Now based on 2.4. Can you do me a favor and test the current state of the mapping?...

> > The only issue I noticed (with the previous Reloop Ready mapping Aufschlag already) is that when I load a new track on a deck, that deck's physical VINYL...