Aareon Sullivan

Results 79 comments of Aareon Sullivan

Blocks can now be transmitted via `HTTPNode`. An example of usage can be found in `simplegui.py`. A new method/route is needed to broadcast new blocks/transactions after a client has synced....

First, try; `sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev` If that doesn’t work, try manually searching for the library; `sudo apt-cache search glut`

@johnbhlm Sorry for the very late reply, better late than never ig. What was the output of `apt-cache search glut`? If anyone else is struggling with this issue, please try...

Hey! I'm happy to see a limit set for the memory usage in LRU Cache. Would it be possible for you to roll a test for this change? I think...

Perhaps `path_tuple_to_string` can also utilize the LRU cache, as well. Just a thought.

After delving a bit. I now think 32MB in LRU cache may be too much overkill. I don't think more than 250kb at most should be necessary.

> "delving" hahahaha (for reference: https://x.com/JeremyNguyenPhD/status/1774021645709295840) Hadn't seen this, and the stat doesn't really correspond with anything related to ChatGPT. I most certainly didn't need to use ChatGPT to come...

Supporting libraries - [go-piv/piv-go](https://github.com/go-piv/piv-go) - [paultag/go-ykpiv](https://github.com/paultag/go-ykpiv) - [colt3k/go-pkcs12](https://github.com/colt3k/go-pkcs12) (**weak encryption algo**)

Did you `pip install -r requirements.txt` from within a venv?

Theres a config option to change the mesh size. Also, consider installing one of the backends.