Aareon Sullivan

Results 79 comments of Aareon Sullivan

@NewtonJr4108 It's there, but it doesn't do anything. When I figure out the bug with the connections label, I'll be able to implement the progress bar. I'll likely move all...

@NewtonJr4108 https://discord.gg/6RFyh6S49F

@papacrouz At this time, ChickenTicket is meant to be PoW for the first 10,000 blocks with medium rewards, and PoS afterwards.

Possible limit size of image for transaction size reasons. Fees would be astronomical if something isn't done.

Deterministic keys are now supported https://github.com/Aareon/ChickenTicket/commit/61dbe4ca7cc32da5f004e20e7035b3ce00d44690

In the process of removing the `python-ecdsa` dependency, I will also remove the `pycryptodome` dependency, in lieu of the `cryptography` package, which features `ecdsa` signing and `blake2s`.

Problem being, `cryptography` does not support seed-based key generation. Research needed.

Testing is currently done in the `if __name__ == "__main__":` block in each script. I'm no testing pro nor do I have any experience with TDD, but I'm doing the...

Currently working in https://github.com/Aareon/ChickenTicket/tree/develop

Resources: [Lispy Tutorial](https://norvig.com/lispy.html) & [Lispy2 Tutorial](https://norvig.com/lispy2.html)