Aareon Sullivan

Results 79 comments of Aareon Sullivan

This *should* be a relatively simple fix. Thank you for sharing.

Could be that the tag/release does not exist?

I believe the point at which the location of the bar is set is done [here](https://github.com/workspacer/workspacer/blob/70b5b3bf9b5e6852b9cdf0dc25d888abf5c19590/src/workspacer.Bar/BarForm.cs#L70) Do with that what you will.

`target = max_target / difficulty` `target = coefficient * 2 ^ (8 * (index – 3))` (from bits) [Reference](https://dlt-repo.net/bitcoin-mining-difficulty-target/)

For us we base target off of desired block time. Haven't settled on an interval yet.

Probably going to work around using PoW at all because I hate the inefficiency. Might set up a means to start with few validators at the start and gradually increase...

@NewtonJr4108 problem being, no implementation I can scheme up would be efficient enough to justify it. I’m fine with slower blocks at the start if it means having a smaller...

Proof of work is inherently inefficient, which is part of the reason it’s so secure. However, it has a huge impact ecologically and I’d prefer to not have a hand...

If I do implement mining, I have to decide on when exactly it will be phased out (block height). It’ll be dead simple, but I want it to be correct....

@NewtonJr4108 have you had a chance to test `simplegui.py` on your machine? I’ll likely build the miner into the UI at some point, but my main focus is the future...