Aakash Chaudhary
Aakash Chaudhary
I am unable to find any documentation related to the math input that gets converted into Latex code by MathQuill. For example: - On the homepage there is an example...
# APIs researched for Data Retriever API integration ## 1. Stash API Dryad Homepage: https://datadryad.org/stash Stash API: https://datadryad.org/api/v2/docs/#/ Datasets are mostly related to biological sciences. Here is a screenshot of...
Hi, I am unable to run CCD, it seems that the Memory usage spikes immediately. I have reduced `num_workers` to 0, and also reduced batch size to 8 and also...
MAE Backbone Reconstruction visualization on custom dataset (No pretraining done on custom dataset)
Hi, I have used the pretrained weights of the ViT backbone given for the encoder for the MAERec model, I have trained the MAERec model with my custom dataset and...