Aakash Chaudhary

Results 22 comments of Aakash Chaudhary

Are these datasets added to ```scripts``` in ```retriever-recipes``` ? If not then I would like to solve this issue.

Sure @henrykironde

@henrykironde I wanted to clear a doubt, In the last dataset "Soil available water capacity in mm derived for 5 standard layers", I can make a single script for all...

Also shall I make separate commits for each dataset or a combined commit?

@henrykironde I think this PR can be completed during my GSOC project, if I get selected, Because these files are very big indeed 😂, and I might take time to...

> Each checkbox is a single PR, I am actually working on them so do worry about the whole issue. Your goal should be to understand or get a good...

@henrykironde I am not able to load the ```.tif``` files into postgresql. There is some kind of limitation of size for ```raster2pgsql``` to work efficiently. ```raster2pgsql``` works completely fine with...

> I will check this out Well I am also figuring out something, and it turns out that the tile size can impact the processing time. In the code for...

> I will check this out Any updates @henrykironde? To me, it seems that when a tile size of ```100x100``` is used, a lot of rows will be generated with...

> @Aakash3101 what are your computational resources? CPU : i7 8th Gen GPU: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Ram: 8GB DDR4 GPU Ram: 4GB OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS