Results 7 issues of ATHSE

The damage frame is probably the easier of the two to implement, but the rubble frame displaying on zero health would really help when making a map. Westwood did include...

Example image of the art properly substituting in URBAN & TEMPERATE but not on SNOW maps: All the building art is in the same mix, so permissions or corruption...

The drawing center of overlays is inconsistent based on what category they fall into, but all of them should be displayed the same. just like terrain the center of the...

I have a number of assets that could be grouped using the *Oblist method in fadata.ini with different filenames. Currently FA2sp only supports a single filemask for a group/sub-category, and...

BrowserRedraw.GuessMode=0 is what I'm referencing specifically. Though just after I started writing this I may have stumbled across the cause, which is still a bug, but more oblique. Mode 0...

The linked image best describes the problem, the aircraft has been shrunk to 66% and FA2 thinks that means it's a full cell off to the side and forward.

In order to avoid features being destroyed, we need to set a limit of what the tools will deform, and it makes most sense to enable it for all the...