Duplicate of #345, #467, #85, #148, #321.
I have a hunch on what's happening here but not the technical expertise to pin down what/why. I hope mgmeyers can find the time to look at this. Dataview recently...
I assumed it was related to the order of rendering. Dataview renders before the markdown post processor, at least IIRC, which is what may be interfering here. But if this...
Does disabling dataview make the bug go away?
I'm a little confused, isn't it already a markdown file?
Hmm you can do this with some dataview, FWIW.
Hello again! Do you think this would help with #321?
Agree with most of your thoughts @jwhitley but there have been recent developments that could allow for this. See https://github.com/RafaelGB/obsidian-db-folder, https://github.com/trey-wallis/obsidian-notion-like-tables, etc. See https://github.com/blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview/discussions/1015 for further discussion. Metaedit could also...
BTW, I forgot to mention here that now that we have callouts and stuff like Obsidian Columns and cardboard, we can actually get a limited version of this by writing...
Idea: If the topic already exists, reopen the pull request? Edit: Not possible as pull requests depend on the branch/fork being compared.