Fulton Wang
Fulton Wang
Summary: the tests for `test_tracin_show_progress` were failing we check that the progress reaches 100% X times, but sometimes, the progress reaches 100% more than X times. As aobo-y pointed out,...
Summary: - adds progress bar for computation done in `TracInCPFastRandProj.__init__`, as well as a `show_progress` argument - actual computation is done in `TracInCPFastRandProj._get_intermediate_quantities_tracincp_fast_rand_proj`. This method is changed so that the...
Summary: In https://www.internalfb.com/code/fbsource/[76c57d350097]/fbcode/pytorch/captum/captum/_utils/gradient.py?lines=840-841 we are calling `clone` on the elements of `inputs`. However, since `inputs` is of type `Tuple[Any,...]`, those elements may not be Tensors, and thus may not have...