> Hi, @saminfatehir! > I can run the code now, and the problem was the tensorflow version, as you pointed out. > I was using tensorflow 2.4.1, and I needed...
Hi @saminfatehir, I want to complete process and give a star your project so I'm still trying to overcome bugs. I try to run this code for a paper. IF...
Hello, I'am having trouble on this project. For a long time I've been triying to complete but I did not manage to do it yet. I followed steps 1, 2,...
> I think the output represents both "Neu" and "Opn", not only one. How to run this code? I still can not run this code.
> Hi @6wom9 ! > > I couldn't run the code on my computer, but I could run it on Google Colaboratory, through a Jupyter Notebook (that is a .ipynb...