personality_detection copied to clipboard
Having problems at step 2
I cloned this code from Github according to requirements.txt. And then, I've run "". But I am having problems at step 2. What should I do in this condition? Although I've checked this issue, I can not understand anything.
tensorflow == 1.15.0
I'm very very new with python.
Hi, @6wom9 !
I followed the README instructions and ended up with the same error as yours... Couldn't fix it yet
Hmm... that's strange. Did you guys download the Bert model file and decompress it?
Hi @saminfatehir!
I decompressed the folder inside the personality_detection project folder, like this:
The Bert model I downloaded was " BERT-Base, Uncased | 12-layer, 768-hidden, 12-heads, 110M parameters"
Thanks for your help!
At first please double-check the model path (model_dir). Second, did you check this issue? Maybe the problem is about your tensorflow version.
Hi, @saminfatehir! I can run the code now, and the problem was the tensorflow version, as you pointed out. I was using tensorflow 2.4.1, and I needed to downgrade the version to tensorflow to 1.13.0
Thanks, @saminfatehir ! :)
@6wom9 I could run the code using Python 3.7. To fix the problem, try these steps:
1- Uninstall your previous tensorflow version (try in the terminal: pip uninstall tensorflow and see if it works) 2- Install an oldest version of tensorflow, by typing in the terminal: pip install tensorflow==1.13.0rc1 3- Be sure you have downloaded the Bert model (in my case, I downloaded "Bert base uncased") 4- Check if you decompressed the folder correctly by checking if your project folder hierarchy is organized as shown in the picture I posted in this issue before. 5- Try the step 2 suggested in the README
Did it work?
Thanks for your description @di-press; If this is helpful, you can make us glad by giving our project a star. :D
Hi, @saminfatehir! I can run the code now, and the problem was the tensorflow version, as you pointed out. I was using tensorflow 2.4.1, and I needed to downgrade the version to tensorflow to 1.13.0
Thanks, @saminfatehir ! :)
@6wom9 I could run the code using Python 3.7. To fix the problem, try these steps:
1- Uninstall your previous tensorflow version (try in the terminal: pip uninstall tensorflow and see if it works) 2- Install an oldest version of tensorflow, by typing in the terminal: pip install tensorflow==1.13.0rc1 3- Be sure you have downloaded the Bert model (in my case, I downloaded "Bert base uncased") 4- Check if you decompressed the folder correctly by checking if your project folder hierarchy is organized as shown in the picture I posted in this issue before. 5- Try the step 2 suggested in the README
Did it work?
Hi @di-press, thanks for your great contributions.
After implying your advices, step 2 and step 3 worked well.
However at step 4, I am still having some problems.
I run the IDE (Pycharm) run as administrator, but It's not worked.
Hi @6wom9!
I coulnd't run the code completely yet. I'm having an error at step 2, and couldn't complete all the steps suggested in the README. It seems I'm having a problem with bert-as-service. When I type in the terminal, as suggested in this README in step 2, this command:
bert-serving-start -model_dir uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/ -num_worker=4 -max_seq_len=NONE -show_tokens_to_client -pooling_layer -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
my computer crashes instantly, and I need to reboot it manually. It crashes when WORKER-1 tries to load a graph (do you remember in step 2, where the workers appears, in terminal, trying to load graphs? It is in this step that I have an issue). Maybe I don't have enough memory or other hardrware requirement to run the code... Please, can you tell:
1- how much memory you have? 2- if bert-as-service could use your GPU?
Really thanks! If later I can complete all the steps between 2 and 4, I probably will know how to help you better...
Hi @saminfatehir, I want to complete process and give a star your project so I'm still trying to overcome bugs. I try to run this code for a paper. IF I manage to run this code, I will also cite your paper too. I shared a couple of screenshots which included some error messages. Although "svm_0_layer_with_mairesse_rev200_.csv" was generated but it was empty.
Hi again @di-press
I also couldn't run the code with my personal computer, It crashed at step 2. For this reason I am using computer laboratory in my university. 32 gb RAM Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2133 CPU @ 3.60GHz
Hi @6wom9
Hmmm... That's strange. what is your sklearn version? maybe an upgrade could be helpful.
Good morning @saminfatehir,
Apologies for any ignorance, as I'm relatively new to Python.
I completed step 1. Upon step two, my terminal in both PyCharm and Command Prompt seems to stagnate indefinitely at the point in the screenshot above.
As per the above comments, I have ensured that the BERT model is decompressed directly into the personality_detection folder, using the same BERT file used in the example, such that copying and pasting the exact example line for step 2 seems to access it fine.
I also depreciated TensorFlow to 1.13.0rc0, 1.13.0rc1, and 1.13.0rc2, all to the same effect. I am currently using 1.13.0rc1 as I attempt other solutions.
Please don't let me know if there's any additional information you would need for this.
Computer specifications:
- Device: HP ENVY x360 Convertible 15-dr1
- Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60 GHz 2.11 GHz
- Installed RAM: 8.00 GB
- 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Hi @LifeofLucidity,
Hmm... That's strange. does your computer crash on step 2? Reduce num_worker parameter to 1 (-num_worker=1). Maybe it will help.
Hi @saminfatehir,
Thanks for the quick response.
My computer does not crash on step 2, instead, it simply sits there indefinitely. For about 5 to 7 minutes the CPU and memory usage spikes before going back down with no changes in the terminal. I tried letting it run as long as possible to be certain processes weren't simply taking a long time.
Your suggestion of reducing the number of workers to 1 helped a certain amount. It seems to have progressed an additional few steps into the process before stagnating again without progress. This can be seen in my attached screenshot.
Hi @LifeofLucidity,
It seems step 2 to have passed successfully and the bert server is ready to serve the requests. Now you can try step 3 in the other terminal.
Hi @saminfatehir,
I wasn't aware that I had to open a second terminal to complete step 3. I was under the impression I would wait for a process to finish so I could begin step 3 in the exact same terminal.
However, you are completely correct. After opening a second terminal and starting step 3, it ran to completion with no issues.
I ran into a hiccup when attempting to run, which I have posted in the issue pertaining to that subject.
Many thanks for your engagement.
Hmm... that's strange. Did you guys download the Bert model file and decompress it?
I don't see the bert model file. Where should I download it? Is this code still working?