Results 8 comments of 90

> Would adding it to the WTHIT/Jade tooltips be sufficient? I could have sworn this was already done with the rest of the enchanting functionality.

For whatever reason, I've found myself having this issue not with the recipe mode button, but with the substitutions one. Maybe that one could also be addressed alongside if need...

Wrong. You can already rename the *pattern provider itself* to have it show up under its own grouping in the terminal, either with an anvil, Inscriber Name Press or anything...

From what I glanced of the code while making the change in the linked PR, that shouldn't be the case. At least my impression was that the compass simply looks...

I believe there's already an option to sort items on a terminal by their Mod namespace, which in turn would (I assume) sort them by the order that the game...

I was not aware existed, actually, so thanks for that recommendation. I'll also add that I'm very rusty with C especially, so when trying to patch it in manually...

@flashcode Might want to close this issue now that the relevant PR has been merged in.

Would it also be possible to allow `trash-restore` to accept the original paths of trashed files to instantly restore those, a bit like the `trash-put` command for files in a...