Have a look at the terminal output: https://pastebin.com/t6bPizew I've compiled the latest glmark2 commit & added this patch https://github.com/glmark2/glmark2/commit/3b1a0f78d03ae126b78ee52a7c434809115e5993 which lets me basically start & run the benchmark but the...
When I use the beetle psx hw core I have a lot of graphical glitches. Depending on the content of the screen these are lines or dots. GT2 has beside...
Just for the record it looks like this SDL2 2.0.9-dev commit https://github.com/spurious/SDL-mirror/commit/9f99a9c6422e45ce3940940c2d0e04a2f5389fd7 has broken the video rendering and all colors are pretty much inverted. Once I've reverted to the last...
Well I've got the same problem. Actually I'm using dosbox-SDL2 & dosbox-libretro. I've tried to load `The Elder Scrolls: Arena` and this works flawless with dosbox-SDL2 so I've tried the...
Well I was wondering if it's possible to adopt this commit to the RetroPie fork of ES? https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-emulationstation/commit/f149f34430c86158372d4e2d85ae4f0485ac49ab "added ogg and mp3 bg music support with sdlmixer" It would be...