Yes, I am having some trouble fixing them because `jupyter-lab` was not working, I have fixed it and now working on syntactical errors and other failed build tests.
@drbenvincent I think I should complete the desired changes with the ModelBuilder and change the example notebook accordingly.
@xermicus Should I get on it? Just let me know where in the repository we can do these changes (sorry I am a first time contributor here)
As far as I understand the test it is to go through output format [here](https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.13/using-the-compiler.html#compiler-input-and-output-json-description) and create similar input format. So the changes have to be made [here](https://github.com/hyperledger/solang/blob/a371ea21bde8278c9c967a27251abcf5aa2712f2/src/bin/solang.rs#LL45C25-L49C43) right? Sorry...
I am facing some issues with adding a function in lib.rs should I raise a PR and discuss there or you can check my recent commit [here](https://github.com/hyperledger/solang/compare/main...5hv5hvnk:solang:main)
I am not very clear how the function should process the data. (I even couldn't find analogous function for `output.josn`)
I have gone through the paper once. should I start the implementation in `GraphNeuralNetworks.jl` ?
@CarloLucibello Should I raise a PR on master branch ? you can have a look on code [here](https://github.com/CarloLucibello/GraphNeuralNetworks.jl/compare/master...5hv5hvnk:GraphNeuralNetworks.jl:master) if you want me to edit something you can share here before...
@CarloLucibello Can adding something like this after [line 366](https://github.com/CarloLucibello/GraphNeuralNetworks.jl/blob/9aa64ffc8f652d382d09496e7993a34aefe63d6f/src/layers/conv.jl#L366) here can do the job? ``` if l.dropout > 0 && Flux.training() x = Flux.dropout(x, l.dropout) ```
we need to add this in a new file to this path right `src/layers/`