Results 4 issues of 595448755

I would like to see the results of the ECO trained model. Please share with me. Thank you very much. 想看一下训练好的模型的结果,请大神分享一下,非常感谢。

root@GPU-K2-U16-c8n5:/ai/trn-pytorch# python3 test_video.py --arch InceptionV3 --dataset something \ > --weights pretrain/TRN_something_RGB_BNInception_TRNmultiscale_segment8_best.pth.tar \ > --video_file sample_data/juggling.mp4 --rendered_output sample_data/predicted_video.mp4 Multi-Scale Temporal Relation Network Module in use ['8-frame relation', '7-frame relation', '6-frame relation',...

Run the command : CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python main.py something RGB \ --arch BNInception --num_segments 3 \ --consensus_type TRN --batch-size 64 IT woud be error Freezing BatchNorm2D except the first one. Traceback...

python3 test_video.py --arch InceptionV3 --dataset something \ --weights pretrain/TRN_something_RGB_BNInception_TRNmultiscale_segment8_best.pth.tar \ --video_file sample_data/001.mp4 --rendered_output sample_data/001_output.mp4 I upload a video name 001.mp4 have 17-seconds, after runing , the output video named 001_output.mp4...