I falling the same error. root@AI-K3-U18-c9n742-01:/ai/moments_models# python3 test_video.py --video_file path/to/video.mp4 --arch resnet50 Extracting frames using ffmpeg... Traceback (most recent call last): File "test_video.py", line 61, in frames = extract_frames(args.video_file, args.num_segments)...
all the output video are 2 seconds long.
@dineshp thanks to provid the script. I got an error when I run the script. Can you help me? [root@01:/ai/trn-pytorch# python fps_dem_trn.py [INFO] sampling THREADED frames from webcam... VIDEOIO ERROR:...
modify main.py line 175-177 #losses.update(loss.data[0], input.size(0)) #top1.update(prec1[0], input.size(0)) #top5.update(prec5[0], input.size(0)) to losses.update(loss.item(), input.size(0)) top1.update(loss.item(), input.size(0)) top5.update(loss.item(), input.size(0)) then won't be error, start the iteration.
change you software to ; ubuntu18 + cuda 10 + cudnn 7.4.2 + pytorch1.0 + python3.6 try it again. the error won't appear again.
ubuntu18 have the same AttributeError,too.
I run the same program successed , my computer is ubuntu18 + cuda 9.0 + cudnn 7.4.2 + python3.6 + torch 1.0