Ricardo Guilherme Schmidt

Results 35 issues of Ricardo Guilherme Schmidt

## Description Embark is a framework for DApps development. Using embark is easy to create a React DApp, using IPFS/Swarm, Whsiper and Ethereum. Would be nice if the IDE could...


# Bug Report ## Problem I used Gitcoin and now at my recent Recipients addresses the Gitcoin address appears. #### Expected behavior Only show recent receipients that have codesize =...


# Bug Report ## Problem As @churik mentioned, the PR #11204 is only for "pasting in the field of receipient". I think is important to detect in any situation, for...


### What did you refactor, implement, or fix? Port was never being defined for whisper, because it never called the rpc port config. This commit moves port flag to the...

### What did you refactor, implement, or fix? When running `embark run testnet`, embark_demo was configured to run two geth instances in the same port. This commit changes whisper P2P...

### Bug Report #### Summary I expect that the errors and warnings given are in the source file I am editing, not in a copy that is deleted every run....

### Feature Request Embark should use svm https://github.com/web3j/svm to compile solidity.

### Bug Report #### Summary When I use 'embark upload livenet' it always gives me this error when using Embark Names: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/224810/78313838-7cbe1980-752e-11ea-93ab-29c64fab770d.png) It works only when 'embark upload livenet' connects...

The gas is counted incorrect in the first time .send() is invoked, because it also sums the cost of deploy the transaction. I had to do a workaround (see https://github.com/status-im/account-contracts/commit/291fd9b872685e66bd7aa02d9ab8b44cc43e6bd8#diff-8ae90872f0505462a211bc1fa2f5f03eR28...

### Bug Report #### Summary When using Embark as a dependency, it refuses to install other things after install, because one of it's sub dependency uses `websocket`, which contains a...