## Description I picked up GitHub again and decided to make this pr again, which fixes a long-lived capture the flag bug [as seen on BSE!] which allowed players to...
## Description Did you know you can assign custom curse times to your spaz bots? Neither did I, because the feature doesn't work properly due to the explosion timer having...
## Description As suggested in this [Discord post](https://discord.com/channels/1001896771347304639/1193869152495079511/1193869152495079511), this suggestion adds a practice button to tournaments that allow players to play tournaments without using tickets at the expense of not...
## Description [As suggested by @komasio71](https://discord.com/channels/1001896771347304639/1175427047124897812/1175427047124897812), this implements a "reset" button in the "Configure ``X``" menus that sets your button mappings to their default values. That's it. https://github.com/efroemling/ballistica/assets/79161340/d5613adf-5777-4bd2-8af6-89479d074aaa  ...
## Description Inherited from [this discord post I made a while ago](https://discord.com/channels/1001896771347304639/1186952153760288818), it adds a decimal step indicator to the respawn icon time to help players see when they are...
## Description Meteor Shower has this really minor bug that "ends" the game twice if you die before the 5 second mark, usually resulting in the ringing sound effect playing...