I'm interested in this happening too.
Oh hey, you're right! I didn't know about that function. For my use it doesn't work because I'd like to only have the icon and the bar, but cool. Really...
If it's about the MPV version, I believe it has happened ever since I started using the script months ago (maybe a year even). Is the development branch available to...
Oh, yeah, should have mentioned it but I'm so used to it I forgot it's not default behavior. I've got `keep-open=always` on mpv.conf
Well I can see some would like it, so perhaps it should be left as a on/off setting. And yeah, it's also annoying that it appears when frame-by-frame seeking.
Thanks, I understand it better now. I think the documentation should mention that it only targets fields from a hard-coded list, this wasn't clear to me. `scrub` won't work for...
As an user, I really hope it doesn't end up being format specific, at least not if it excludes ID3 which is by far the most popular format still. Just...
It would be great to be able to filter out content within a shared folder indeed. I know I have files that I had to move out because I didn't...
Just not to let it go stale, I'd like this also.
Could we turn this thread into a notification feed for anyone looking for a replacement that has this feature? https://vividmachine.com/controllers/ looks promising and uncannily similar to Enjoyable, but it's not...