I use XFCE4, but there are two applications I use that transitioned to GTK4 (gHex and gnome-clocks) that have transitioned to GTK 4 and ever since, they have used the...
[Description of the bug or feature] ### Environment - Hardware model: Surface Go 8GB (2018) - Kernel version: 5.19.2-surface and earlier - Distribution: Debian Bookworm I have been primarily running...
Since VSCode/Codium 1.82.x, the Linux version, upon package updates, may open up to a mangled version of the interface missing text, making it completely unusable. This is an upstream Electron/Chromium...
Hi. I am on Debian Trixie amd64 with XFCE 4.18. I use the [Chicago95](https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95) theme. When I invoke the application with environment variables, such as ```GTK_THEME=Chicago95```, the user's theme does...
Hi. I've been enjoying using this software. However, I have found myself needing to transfer over sets from Quizlet. This has been rather tedious, as Quizlet exports its sets as...
As of commit 6fa69c1e557ef88efd87b65f9c6a3f98820ddce3, the Plus! theme script no longer works at all due to Inkscape's deprecation of the ```--verb``` option in version 1.1 (see [the Inkscape wiki](https://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/Using_the_Command_Line).). They are...
Issue: org.freedesktop.portal.Background interface does not seem to exist with this backend. Hi. I run Debian Trixie on an AMD64 system with XFCE4. I ran into an issue with a Flatpak...
As mentioned in #147, this moves anything that changes based on the distribution format of the picker to config.py to make it easier for porting to other distributions and increase...