Packaging is getting a lot more convenient. Manimpango got into the Debian repositories in June, so it should at least be easily packagable for Debian Testing. I also found that...
I'm pretty sure I had the same problem trying to get SDR++ running on an old laptop on Linux today. The issue has been resolved in 1.04 (see #260), but...
The 1.03 binary doesn't work on Linux for same reason. I had to build 1.04 from source.
 I've decided to go Janeway and try to create a gtk4 theme. Better something than nothing. Here is a screenshot prototype (missing a lot). The only issue so far...
Yes, make a ```gtk-4.0``` folder, and then just plop it inside a gtk-3.0.css folder. **However, I wouldn't recommend it**; it is much more of a proof of concept than anything,...
I am also experiencing the issue on Firefox ESR 115.10.0, but on Debian Trixie (Testing) with the Debian version of the package. I experience the same behavior as @franzos, with...
I'll make that revision to the patch when I have the time. In the meantime, I have to ask, why is there a separate DOCS.md from the the wiki?
I feel like I found a fix without any code changes, but it's been a while since I used the Flatpak; I made custom Deb packaging and just run it...
Sadly, the main hurdle is that xfwm4 doesn't support horizontal patterns like the 98-2K gradient; it would be possible with another WM, though. I just made a [feature request] on...