Results 16 issues of 2533245542

Ever considered implementing class balanced loss? I found your repo useful and would like to see it include more. https://github.com/vandit15/Class-balanced-loss-pytorch

### Prerequisites * [X] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following: * Checked the online documentation: https://mimic.mit.edu/ * Checked that...

It looks like there is a lot of changes in the pull request but most of them are just deleting blanks (somehow my editor automatically did it for me). The...

Isn't it weird that `get_incumbent_id()` only finds the incumbent based on the losses from max_budget runs? I think the incumbent should be selected from all configs, regardless of budgets. Let's...

Hi, I am wondering if two (sequential) BOHB instances will interfere with each other when they have the same networking parameters? I consider a BOHB instance as running the code...

The documentation of hpbandster says `Ideally, the optimizer would adjust the budgets online, but none of the implement ones does that right now. We are working on extensions that automate...

For example, I have a multi-modal neural network that takes both a patient's vital signs and clinical notes as inputs, and predicts the patient's mortality risk. I saw the tutorials...

您好,我是python新手,在学习你的源码,关于第run.py第60行我有个疑问,那个地方如果我改成 return [square[SUB_LT_Y:SUB_RB_Y,SUB_LT_X:SUB_RB_X] for square in all_square] 效果是一样的吗?

I don't know why but phyloseq allows two kind of otu layout in a phyloseq object; one is taxa_are_row and the other one not. To access this information, one can...


I have been using this template for quite some time but haven't been catching up the latest update. I just saw that this thing is gone? Just want to know...
