Results 4 comments of 2533245542

It turned out I cannot have two BOHB running with the same `nameserver` and `nameserver_port` (or `port`, depending on which function we use). I made a copy of the .py...

Actuall that last code does not work, I make some edits now ```r edit_phyobj = function(phyobj){ # phyobj must be taxa_are_rows = TRUE for microbiomeviz to work if(!taxa_are_rows(phyobj)){ otu =...

That's awesome! Would like to know what color you choose as well! for example, :hi Folded guibg=white :hi Folded guifg=white

This problem hasnt been resolved. Can you please update the text in the following URL?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joey711/shiny-phyloseq/master/install.R