
Results 231 comments of 237dmitry

> Setting them no longer changes anything. If I change `$PSStyle.Progress.View` to `Classic` then the progress colors are from `$Host.PrivateData.Progress*`

> `Read and Prompt functionality is not available` Nested Prompt does not affect interactivity. Does not require user participation.

It's difficult to come up with a use for `$host.EnterNestedPrompt()` in non-interactive mode. Unless, at some stage, freeze the execution of a script block in order to execute something else....

How do chars compare, as chars or as strings? `Compare-Object`'s`CaseSensitive` parameter does not affect the result (and this is expected behavior for non strings, IMO). But: ``` [char] 'a' -eq...

> ~/.musikcore/hotkeys.json I use `~/.config/musikcube` as config directory. It works in my environment, ArcoLinux (arch based). Installed static version (0.97.0) from compressed tar.

> Let me give it a bit of thought. Thank you for your attention. I think it would be better to add in `settings.json` or in `hotkeys.json` display parameter for...

> Seems to be using the built-in media library database. Uses [0,5] range But it is possible to record statistics in tags. And the values should be converted according to...

> in foobar? Yes, I checked the tag values after they were recorded by the plugin for collecting statistics.

And timestamps in foobar2000 (Adding to library, First and Last played) in FileTime format: ```powershell # powershell PS > (Get-Date).ToFileTime() 132776775877669815 PS > [datetime]::FromFileTime(132776775877669815).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') 2021-10-02 22:46:27 ```