Thanks for this nice little library! I have been testing it with the real world observations and found issues 1) When Moon sets on next day after rise day, but...
Trying to incorporate FlickTypeKit into a new WatchOS 8 app. Ive set up the Associated file infrastructure and WatchKit extension entitlement On the Xcode Sim, I get: LocalMetar WatchKit Extension[44255:420001]...
iPhone layout is perfect, however, in iPad runtime, there are multiple conflicts: 1) Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try...
This is a great little repo! Any chance of adding handling for BillingRetry and Grace period transaction states?
The methods subclassed: shouldAutomaticallyForwardRotationMethods and automaticallyForwardAppearanceAndRotationMethodsToChildViewControllers are deprecated should be replaced with calls to Manually forward calls to the viewWillTransitionToSize:withTransitionCoordinator: method as needed. Not entirely obvious
Minor issue since finger drag works and tapping area where icons in Nav Bar should be works too. Icons are present on all other iPad configurations (size, version, orientation) and...
In KenBurns.swift the definition: public typealias DurationRange = (max: Double, min: Double) has the order of the tuple arguments in the opposite order to where DurationRange is used in the...
Of note, when displayed in a setting with a Right-to-left locale, the picker works backwards, i.e., a tap on the left side of the collection (where the color in the...
In the stock version of the example in iOS 11.0.3/Swift4/XCode 9, there are two issues with the popover: 1) presenting the popover in landscape leads to a grey area surrounding...