Qiming Bao

Results 30 issues of Qiming Bao

Hi, I got one issue for this line in the `utils.py` in [this line](https://github.com/nng555/ssmba/blob/master/utils.py#L158). ``` next_len = len(tokenizer.encode(*next_sents)) ``` When I got a list contains three elements, like the following...

Hi, I got 0 accuracy by using the project. How do you get the accuracy result by using the top 20 test question pair? Because those test question pairs are...

![rouge_waiting_too_long](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23516191/70981999-349af880-20f1-11ea-9c19-931365e407b4.png) Hi, I just met this issue when I use the file2rouge in colab. The program is running more than 4 hours for the rouge assessment and still without any...

![fail_connect_to_remote_colab](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23516191/71051021-d407cc00-2181-11ea-8831-46954e493ed5.png) Hi, There is a issue when I run the Model_1.ipynb. It shows the 404 http issue. Does anyone knows how to fix the issue? Many thanks.

Hi, I got one question about the Synonyms and Antonyms function. Can your tool consider the tense when call the Synonyms and Antonyms functions? For example, the synonym for `agrees`...


Hi, I am curious about the inference part in the model. Does any example to show how it works? Many thank.

Hi Akari, I have a question about the augmented transitive example for WIQA. How do you calculate those two phrases are the same for the bold phrases `wood be more...

您好, 感谢更新,很棒的项目!想请问一下您使用的Transformers和AllenNLP的版本是什么?我在本地运行的时候出现版本不兼容的情况,感谢。

您好, 感谢您提供这么好的学习资料!我用了ELMO+TextCNN的组合跑了IMDB数据集,得到了下面的结果,想问一下,最后的准确率的计算是应该只算最后一个epoch的accuracy还是把所有epoch的accuracy取平均?另外这个accuracy应该是测试集上的accuracy是吗?因为运行完模型以后没有保存训练的模型,如果能把训练的模型保存下来就更好了。 ![微信截图_20200701012808](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23516191/86132146-a17c5a00-bb3a-11ea-9a44-6f3dfb4123d1.png)

请问一下博主知道有ELMO+ESIM的组合开源项目吗?我搜了目前网上开源的项目,包括提出ELMO+ESIM这个思路的原论文Deep contextualized word representations也没有开源这个组合的代码,我想问一下博主您在这个项目中用到的ELMO+textCNN是不是也是类似ELMO+ESIM的这个架构?多谢了