Qiming Bao

Results 30 issues of Qiming Bao

Hi, I am curious how to install that in Windows? Thank you so much.

Hi, Great paper and idea! Here is a question about the runtime error when I train the model using `Choi` as the model type. The task I am using is...

Hi, Happy New Year! I got one question when I try to run the latext code from `keras-upgrade`. I run the `train.py` which is only change the `model.fit` instead of...

Hi, I met an weired issue when I run the code. I can get 100% test accuracy by using dgen = LogicSeq.from_file("data/DeepLogic_NL/"+s, ARGS.batch_size, pad=ARGS.pad, verbose=False) _, acc = model.evaluate_generator(dgen) #...

Hi, Many thanks for your patience and help. Now I have transferred the model into the natural language dataset and the performance looks quite good. The thing that I am...

Hi, I got one question when I try to use LayoutLMv2 to train on the FUNSD dataset. I follow the [steps](https://github.com/microsoft/unilm/tree/master/layoutlmft#installation) and I got the following issue `ValueError: You must...

Hi, I have run the `run_xfun_re.py` and I got the following good result. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23516191/199627598-a4fa7d69-6dc2-429c-9cf5-107e982ba6b3.png) However, when I use Transformers's LayoutXLMForRelationExtraction and the code is not converging. Here is the original...

Hi, I got one question, I have seen the `evaluation_strategy` in the [training script](https://github.com/tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca#fine-tuning). But I do not know the meaning for that parameter? Does that mean if I set...

Hi, I got one question that how to add validation dataset or record validation loss into the weight and bias during the [fine-tuning process](https://github.com/tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca#fine-tuning)? Thanks in advance.

Hi, I got one question for the fine-tunining. I have seen the fine-tuning hyperparameters for training Alpaca-7B and Alpaca-13B. I feel confused about the batch size and epoch. from this...