I found a way to do it: ``` subDomainTextFormat: function(date ,value) { var date = parseInt((new Date(date).getTime() / 1000).toFixed(0)) var finval = 0; $.ajax({ url: 'test.json', async: false, dataType: 'json',...
Just realised the last update was a year ago. Is project maintained anymore and likely to be patched?
also cant get dir to work, guessing module is a bit borked?
it's fairly easy to update plugins/lolmewnStats/lolmewnStats.php to match whats in the v5 database.. but a long slow boring job. I've compared lolmewnstats to statz and the only real benefit would...
So I just woke up and am kinda tired, but I think I've implemented it correctly, lemme know if isn't working for you https://rossmarks.uk/git/0xRM/DC29BadgeBot It should detect if your generating...