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Stats v5 Support
Could you please update this web-interface to work with Lolmewn's newest stats version? He has changed how the stats save to the database. Each stat has its own table now.
Stats v5:
it's fairly easy to update plugins/lolmewnStats/lolmewnStats.php to match whats in the v5 database.. but a long slow boring job. I've compared lolmewnstats to statz and the only real benefit would be getting stats for:
- joining and leaving times
- pvp kill streak
- signs
- no. of system commands said
- words said
I'd advise to just migrate across to statz
my findings:
-- unique -- stats_last_join stats_last_quit stats_pvp_kill_streak stats_signs stats_system stats_words_said
statz_buckets_filled statz_votes
-- can get from statz -- statz_arrows_shot statz_blocks_broken statz_blocks_placed statz_buckets_emptied statz_commands_performed statz_damage_taken statz_deaths statz_distance_travelled statz_eggs_thrown statz_entered_beds statz_food_eaten statz_items_caught statz_items_crafted statz_items_dropped statz_items_picked_up statz_joins statz_kills_mobs statz_kills_players statz_players statz_teleports statz_times_kicked statz_times_shorn statz_time_played statz_tools_broken statz_villager_trades statz_worlds_changed statz_xp_gained