
Results 286 comments of 0x5BFA

@inductor , @niyari How do you think of this?

thank you. I'll adopt it.

@niyari good? I could not find exact match docs.

@grochocki I dont create new issue. so [Area: World-Readiness](https://github.com/microsoft/calculator/labels/Area%3A%20World-Readiness) label is not labeled. can you add?

used in the README are HTML and CSS.

This CSS has been a problem for some time. But once it was closed because we didn't think we could make something better than the current UI. https://github.com/FluentHub/FluentHub/issues/58

> Oh so its just previewed with web and not actually involved with FH? Yes. just borrowed from github-markdown-css

There is the idea of using MarkdownBlock or RichTextBlock, but I feel it should be discussed.

> Ohh. Can we use custom CSS?\ Of course.