Eric Edsinger
Eric Edsinger
Hi! crb-blast seems to work really great - I'm finding 17-39% improvement over blastp (both with default evalue cutoffs of 10-5) in identifying RBHs between de novo squid and pygmy...
Hi! I'm working with crb-blast for the first time and was able to use it without any obvious trouble (exit status 0) - running a query squid transcriptome against target...
Hi! I'm very interested / excited to try WENGAN out to assemble human-sized+ cephalopod genomes. I was wondering if there is a preset or recommended strategy for using WENGAN with...
Hi! I was wondering if there is a way to find out what specific parameters were used when OrthoFinder2 runs a piece of software, like Blastp. Also - is it...
Hi! I was wondering what you recommend for structuring sets of forward and reverse reads to provide to MAC when read length and insert size are variable. Our PE insert...
I have PACBIO SMRT Sequel data - and both Hi-C and Chicago Illumina data - but no standard PE or matepair Illumina data. Would you recommend using NextPolish with just...
**Describe the bug** Unsure if assembly of octopus (human-sized) genome with 43x seed is active or stalled after running almost a month with 500 Gb RAM 60 CPU and 2...
### Description of bug I am using Spades for genome assembly of Illumina PE data and while it runs great to completion on each job I've done, I'm finding there...
I have multiple assemblies of hybrid and long-read sequencing. And its allowing me to run quickmerge on the output of quickmerge multiple times. I'm seeing increases in contig lengths and...
I have ONT only Shasta and Flye assemblies and dbg2olc and Masurca hybrid assemblies. I was wondering if there is a suggested strategy for merging them all with quickmerge. Is...