It comes when the data in the collection(relative to the view) update(such as insert and remove),we use YapDatabaseViewOptions.allowedCollections for performance.It seems when the non-persistent change to persistent, it will try...
Yes, we are toggling YapDatabaseView between persistent & non-persistent
> how to use the 'tinymode', could U give some illustration or example? > Hi! Thanks for the PR. > > There are some unrelated changes in this PR. Would...
This patch has bugs, will made the navcontroller in tabBarcontroller offset wrong
``` - (void)animationEnded:(BOOL)transitionCompleted { // restore the toViewController's transform if the animation was cancelled if (!transitionCompleted) { self.toViewController.view.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity; //some hack here if (nil == [self.fromViewController.navigationController.navigationBar superview] ) {...