Zhang Zeyang

Results 9 issues of Zhang Zeyang

期望兼容小程序和H5,懒得下载下来试了。 请问是否支持H5?

点击注册按钮输入邮箱无反应,12302端口为code-push-server端口,12303为code-push-web端口 //真实ip隐藏掉了 Console显示: Fetch API cannot load http://我的ip:12302/users/[email protected]. Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://我的ip:12303' is therefore...

I suggest 2 new features: 1) grant the title header to receive click action 2) add sort functions(i.e. compare function)


希望MenuList 组件添加两个特性: 1、菜单支持多级嵌套 2、引入支持类似手风琴Accordion的可折叠的特性 比如有如下菜单: 库存管理 ├--入库管理 ▕ └--创建/编辑入库单 ▕ └--审批入库单 └--出库管理   └--创建/编辑出库单   └--审批出库单 希望在点击有子菜单的对象(库存管理、入库管理、出库管理)可以自动折叠/展开


申请添加 1、表格组件DataTable 参考[Table](https://ant.design/components/table-cn/) 2、[AutoComplete](https://ant.design/components/auto-complete-cn/)


In the branch of `Swift 2.0` 's demo, When rotate the screen, the camera view will not fill the screen, and the direction won't change correspondingly. 在`Swift2.0`分支的demo中, 当旋转屏幕时,相机视图不会填满屏幕,同时显示的方向也没有对应地改变。

Process: Xcode [8201] Path: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode Identifier: com.apple.dt.Xcode Version: 7.2 (9548) Build Info: IDEFrameworks-9548000000000000~7 App Item ID: 497799835 App External ID: 814662604 Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: ??? [1] Responsible:...

**Describe Your Environment** - Version of ZoneMinder [release version] - How you installed ZoneMinder [PPA] - Full name and version of OS Ubuntu 2204(Freshly installed) **Describe the bug** I have...

经常出现这个报错,倒是感觉没有影响正常使用,希望能及时修复。 环境:win11 x64 idea ultimate 项目:基于NutzFW的定制工程 [stacktrace.txt](https://github.com/threefish/NutzCodeInsight/files/10783381/stacktrace.txt) [threadDump.txt](https://github.com/threefish/NutzCodeInsight/files/10783382/threadDump.txt) [induced.txt](https://github.com/threefish/NutzCodeInsight/files/10783383/induced.txt)