Results 25 issues of zzy-life

Hello! Sorry to bother you for 22 years, I use your query, The following error occurred. I am not very familiar with PostgreSQL. Can you help me? ![image]( ![21MO@NLJHCQZSA}DCM{Z@XX](

比如我在网盘系统里新建了一个文件夹叫text并且上传了一个a.txt 他的目录是/text/a.txt 那么这个文件在服务器里的路径也是/text/a.txt 吗?

* face_recognition version: * Python version: * Operating System: ### Description I have three faces in an image. Can the order of face coding return be controlled? For example, return...

我给智慧城市项目加了几个点击按钮,但是发现远处的点击按钮点击之后,相机还是会到1号点附近,并不会把相机移动到远处被点击的按钮附近。 所以想请教一下,是在哪里计算的视角中心点

![image]( ![image]( As shown in the figure, the Card are always blocked by the ones with higher order. Can you tell me why?

功能需求:建议把文件路径添加到url上 这样设计的话,可以访问url直接到达文件目录层次


1.Provide memory of password file It can automatically remember the password file opened last time, which is convenient for each use 2.Extend functionality to save common form contents such as...


If you don't have time, can you teach me how to provide translation for the project?