
Results 6 comments of zznidar

I was thinking about doing some frequency comparison. Maybe by getting the ratio between certain frequencies inside human voice range and outside of it. Some research would be needed, though,...

One option would be, although probably not really the nicest one, to create a new iFrame with `src=window.location.href`. Then, do the analysis inside the iFrame.

@WofWca good points. * The same element could maybe be found by id/class of that element (or its parents), but only as long as they are always the same (i....

There may be a better option, however. If you take a look at this StackOverflow answer for drawing waveform: https://stackoverflow.com/a/67265439 The waveform is drawn very quickly (took less than 10...

Thanks for the suggestion. That seems a possible solution for now, as long as there are only a few "presets". Though I doubt I will remember all the key combinations...

At the moment, only text/URL sharing seems to be implemented in Snapdrop. https://github.com/RobinLinus/snapdrop/blob/a96dde25c07478684cf95878c031d7613ceaf9fd/client/manifest.json#L31-L39 https://github.com/RobinLinus/snapdrop/blob/a96dde25c07478684cf95878c031d7613ceaf9fd/client/scripts/ui.js#L501-L518 To be able to share files to Snapdrop through Android share sheet, changes mentioned by @xpire...